San Diego Gives Fundraiser on September 5, 2024

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San Diego Gives

Join us for the fourth annual “San Diego Gives” event by making a lasting impact on the lives of K-12 students throughout San Diego County, shaping college and career pathways, and fostering a passion for STEM education.

We invite you to be a beacon of hope and change in our community by participating in our upcoming one-day fundraiser on September 5, 2024, or help with early-bird donation today.

Your philanthropic support has the power to inspire young minds, create career opportunities, and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow. Together, let’s pave the road to success for our future leaders, innovators, and problem solvers.


  • Make a donation now
  • Learn more about “San Diego Gives” below
  • Learn more about the Classroom of the Future Foundation below

San Diego Gives

What is “San Diego Gives”?

San Diego Gives is a year-round program that promotes nonprofit sustainability and donor education. In 2024, efforts culminate in an online, region-wide Day of Giving on September 5.

Now in its fourth year, the program shines a light on local, pressing needs and the impactful responses of our nonprofit community via robust communications, an interactive website, volunteer opportunities, and an online crowdfunding campaign. All funds raised remain in San Diego to bolster our region.

Get started by making a donation to CFF.

Who is the Classroom of the Future Foundation?CFF logo - Seal & Ribbon

Established 1997, the mission of the Classroom of the Future Foundation (CFF) is that CFF inspires, supports, and recognizes educational innovation in San Diego County schools by partnering with education, business, and community leaders. CFF, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, works to advance its mission by ensuring that San Diego students are prepared to thrive in a competitive global society.

CFF is an extension of the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) and is known for being a convener of business, community, and education leaders around innovation in education in our region. Moreover, CFF is a catalyst and champion for the creation of learning programs that apply proven business and technology-based practices in the school setting. CFF is also a trusted resource for school districts and a thought leader on innovation in the classroom.

Your donations to CFF help support STEM scholarships, STEM/Innovation programs, college and career pathways programs, and support innovative educators.

To get involved and learn more about opportunities to support CFF, please visit and explore our site, blog, and social networks.

To make a donation to CFF for the “San Diego Gives” fundraising campaign, please visit the CFF “San Diego Gives” donation page.

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