Banner Presentations at Award Winning Schools

Posted in: CFF News

This fall CFF recognized its 2016 Innovation Award winners with special banners to honor their commitment to educational innovation:

Inspire Awardeuhsd-presentation

CFF presented Orange Glen High School with the 2016 Inspire Award on August 9, 2016. The Inspire Award illustrates the unique attributes of a program that get kids excited about learning. This award specifically focuses on the program characteristics responsible for increasing student interest and enhancing student learning. Orange Glen High School is CFF’s 2016 Inspire Award winner for its remarkable “Maximizing Ability, Minimizing Disability for Optimal Success” program. This program for students with intellectual disabilities utilizes technology in ways that go well beyond the typical educational expectations. Students use technology to share interests, experiences, and challenges with others, allowing for greater creative expression, social connection, and a sense of belonging. This program’s goal is to better prepare students for future independence and employability. The $5,000 award, sponsored by National University, will help to advance learning outcomes and inspire more students to come.

Innovate Award

CFF presented Montgomery Middle School with the 2016 Innovate Award on September 28, 2016. The Innovate Award showcases the creative innovations of programs that facilitate advanced learning and focuses on the uniqueness of the program actions that increase student interest and drive achievement. Montgomery Middle School is CFF’s 2016 Innovate Award winner for its transformation of an ordinary wood shop class into a state of the art Engineering Science Makerspace Lab. The Makerspace Lab gives students the opportunity to learn principles of design and allows them to engage in hands-on problem solving. Under the leadership of teacher Emmy Rodgers, MMS’ program teaches students to understand the needs of a customer and innovate to satisfy that need. The $5,000 award, sponsored by Cubic Corporation, will help further the goals of the school and encourage the development of the lab.

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CFF presented Health Sciences High and Middle College with the 2016 Impact Award on September 29th, 2016. The Impact Award is a best-of-show award given to the one program that best embodies all three attributes – inspire, innovate and achieve. Health Science High & Middle College is CFF’s 2016 Impact Award winner for its extraordinary Health Pathways Program. This program in City Heights is a four year, 9-12 grade comprehensive career development model that integrates an on-site healthcare internship and coursework leading to industry certification and preparation for a certification exam. The $10,000 award, sponsored by G Force Global Technologies, will allow future students to pursue careers in the healthcare field.

Achieve Award

CFF looks forward to visiting Sweetwater Union High School District’s Board meeting on December 12th to honor the FLAGS program!

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