1. CFF’s 20th Annual “Innovation in Education Awards” on May 18, 2023
- Description: “Innovation in Education” Grant Program for district, school, or classroom programs with three grants for Innovate, Inspire, and Achieve ($5,000 each) and our best-in-class Impact Award ($10,000).
- More Details: Tickets and information at the 20th Annual “Innovation in Education Awards” Eventbrite page
- Action Item: For tickets, contact Jane Schlosberg, Director of Development and Operations, at
2. CFF/SDCOE Administrators Leadership Retreat in June 28-30, 2023
- Event Description: Superintendents can take control of what’s important—their health, well-being, and finances. It is time that you take care of yourself. Set among the rolling hills of Temecula, the Temecula Creek Inn offers all the amenities you’d expect from a first-class resort for a three-day event and workshops.
- Action Item: Contact Tom Davis at or Jane Schlosberg at with any questions.
3. Podcast: “To the Mountaintop”
- Description: To The Mountaintop is a social-emotional podcast series where professional athletes raised in San Diego share their journeys. From the mountains they climbed, to the valleys they walked, they provide the fuel to inspire San Diego students as they ascend, as they soar, as they struggle, as they dream and as they grit their way to the mountaintop.
- Action Item: Visit the website at
4. Podcast: “Future Pathways: Superintendents Unplugged”
- Description: Weekly Podcast Description: San Diego County Superintendents are featured highlighting innovative programs from their districts. Co-hosted by Drew Schlosberg and Tom Davis.
- Action Item: Contact Drew Schlosberg, CFF Leadership Team, at to schedule an appearance on the podcast. Visit the website for more information and the episode guide at