Comet of the Century Science Project (Update 1)

Posted in: CFF News

The Comet ISON is now between Mars and Earth, and it is getting closer by the day. Hopefully you have had a chance to tell your students about it and they are anxiously awaiting its grand entrance.

So far, the comet is still too dim to see with the naked eye, but it may be visible with a pair of strong binoculars. If you need some help locating the comet you can use this website.

It is still unclear whether ISON will dazzle or fizzle, but there is more hope that it will dazzle. ISON’s rotation is such that one hemisphere of the comet is always facing the sun while the other is always in the dark. Astronomers are not sure exactly what this means for ISON, but there is a chance that this phenomenon will allow ISON to put on a great show come November and possibly all the way to the beginning of 2014.

If you missed our original blog positing on ISON make sure you take a look. It’s full of great resources for you to use in your classroom. So far the prediction that ISON will be at its best during Thanksgiving is still holding strong, but nothing is certain.

Please let us know if there are any resources you are looking for and we will see what we can do.

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